🍎 Cancel iPhone Subscription
Hello, dear member! 💖
Imprtant notice about subscription cancellation and refunds:
These must be handled directly through the App Store.
Due to Apple's policy, Babyfolio cannot process cancellations or refunds directly.
We appreciate your understanding. 😭
📱 How to Cancel Your Subscription
1. Use Quick Access Link
[ Go to Cancel Subscription ➡️]
2. If the link doesn't work
- Open App Store on your phone
- Select your Apple ID
- Tap Subscriptions
- Select Babyfolio
- Select Cancel Free Trial or Cancel Subscription
Important Notes:
- Even if you delete the app or delete your account, your subscription will continue unless you cancel it directly. Please make sure to cancel your subscription using the steps above.
- Cancellation will take effect from the next billing date. Please note that any payment already processed cannot be refunded.
Request a Refund
To request a refund, please submit a new request through Help Center: [Request Refund] > [Refund iPhone Subscription].
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